Friday, May 20, 2016

Positives and Negatives of Globalization

Globalization refers to the development of a country around the world around the world through integration, interdependence, and interconnections. It can be seem in a positive or negative light. A few positive outlooks of globalization are increase in competition, technological advances, and greater access to foreign cultures. A few negative outlooks are unemployment rates increase, flat world, and its not universal. I'm going ot go into a little more depth in a couple of these. First, globalization increases competition, which encourages creativity and innovation. It also gives the consumer power because companies will lower prices. Globalization can be seen as negative because its not universal, which means the rich just keep getting richer and the poor has no chance. Globalization normally means companies will outsource which can be a good and a bad thing. You create jobs in other countries for less money but you take away jobs in the home country. For people in the home country, outsourcing only hurts them and the local economy. Globalization also gives us easier access to foreign cultures and customs which is a good thing because we become more knowledgeable about the world around us. However, it can become a problem as well which some countries start acting and changing cultures to fit another one. This causes the world to become "flat" because there is no longer great diversity. 

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